Holly Madison has revealed that she has been diagnosed with autism.
“The doctors told me that I have executive function, which means I can live my life and do everything ‘normally,'”
the Playboy actor said on Friday’s episode of the “Talking to Death” podcast.
Holly Madison, 43, explained that she is doing “very well” and understands that her diagnosis is not “as extreme” as others on the spectrum.
“I’m not everyone’s spokesperson. They don’t call it a ghost for nothing,” she noted.
Holly Madison said that when she was first diagnosed, she remembered that the symptoms had been there since she was a child.
“The first thing she noticed was that as a child I would leave out a lot and they would always ask her, ‘What’s going on?’ What’s she doing?’ And my mother would always say one thing, “She’s thinking.”
Madison added that she has “always” struggled with “not recognizing social cues” or “not understanding” things “the same way” as other people do.
“I apologize. I thought I grew up in Alaska, and when I moved to Oregon around high school, I thought, ‘Well, that was a big social change,'” she recalls.
She added, she doesn’t need to know when others have finished talking, so she casually interrupts people and people.
Madison said today that she would “apologise” others if she realized she had interrupted or spoken to them and “tell them why” when explaining her diagnosis.
Continuing, Madison urged others not to “get caught” if they do not respond to social rights claims that they simply “do not live in the same social being” as others.
Everyone behaves differently and maybe I think in interactions with anyone you need a little bit of patience because you don’t know what they’re doing or what the social role is, you know?